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Black FIRE Series

Pursuing Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) as an African American is more difficult than for other ethnic groups. This stems from two main factors: (1) The historical wealth gap, and (2) low educational attainment levels.

However, it is possible to achieve FIRE despite these obstacles. You cannot do it alone, however; you will need the help of professionals who have experience working with African Americans and other people of color so that they can help you find strategies that work best for you and your unique circumstances.

For example, if you are interested in pursuing a career in financial planning or investment analysis, get professional advice on how to go about doing so while still maintaining your family’s cultural identity.

If your goal is simply to retire early at age 45 instead of 65 because that’s what makes sense for your family right now given its current status quo situation then consider saving more than usual each month so that there is enough capital available when needed later down the road when retirement becomes a reality instead of just an idea that exists only on paper but hasn’t been put into practice yet.

Seek professional advice

Woman discussing to a financial advisor
Amy Hirschi / Unsplash

You should also seek professional advice. A financial advisor can help you save money and invest in a way that will allow you to achieve your retirement goals. A good financial advisor will offer guidance about how much money you need for retirement, which investment vehicles are best for your situation, and what the risks are when making investment decisions.

Save more than you spend

Woman holding a savings jar
Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

The first step to achieving financial independence is to save more than you spend. In other words, you need to know how much money you are actually spending each month and not just what it feels like as if you’re spending that much.

A lot of people confuse spending with income. They think they have plenty of money in their bank account because they get paid a certain amount every week or month, but they don’t realize all the things they spend on outside of work (i.e., groceries, gas, entertainment).

If this sounds like something that could happen to you then try tracking your expenses for one month so that next time around when deciding how much money should go into savings each week or month will be easier because now instead of guessing about what percentage goes toward fun activities outside work versus necessities such as groceries or utilities (for example) then track them out over time until there’s no doubt left in your mind about where exactly those dollars went!

Make smart investment choices

Man checking investment on a phone and laptop screen
Joshua Mayo / Unsplash

As you put your money to work, be sure that you are investing in low-cost index funds. These funds track the performance of major asset classes like stocks and bonds and are passively managed by computer algorithms. They don’t have high management fees, which means more of your investment returns go toward growing your portfolio instead of into someone else’s pocket.

Additionally, don’t invest in individual stocks or too many different types of investments (such as real estate). These investments tend to be more volatile than other asset classes, which can make it difficult for you to stay on track with your financial goals and retirement plans if they suddenly lose value.

Finally, keep an eye out for opportunities outside the US market; diversification is key if you want all parts of your portfolio to perform well at once

It’s not easy, but it’s worth it

Hand holding lots of dollar bills
金 运 / Unsplash

It isn’t easy to become financially independent, but it is worth it. If you want to be able to retire early, you have to save more than you spend, invest wisely and seek professional advice.

It is important that you understand that there are no guarantees in life. You can make all the right choices and still not achieve your goal of retiring early. To increase your chances of success, you need a plan for how much money will be required for each year of retirement and how much income from investing will produce this amount.

If possible use an investment advisor who has experience with investments similar to those used by African Americans who have retired early or are trying to do so because they offer expertise in terms of knowing what types of accounts exist as well as their advantages or disadvantages when compared with other types (e., Roth vs Traditional).


We hope this article has been helpful in getting you started with pursuing financial independence. It’s a difficult journey, but it’s worth it! Remember that there are many people out there who can help guide you along your way—and don’t forget to have fun while doing so!